Special Education
From Paperwork to Progress
Special education services are famously paperwork rich and results poor.
By being system savvy, you can improve student outcomes from special education services while supporting special educators to thrive.
Get a copy of my free Progress Monitoring Review Navigator and dig into local data today!
Progress Monitoring Problems
Do your educators struggle to choose measures, set goals, collect data, and use those data? You’re not alone!
“I don’t know how to set a goal that my student can meet. How do I even know if they should meet it?”
“How am I supposed to collect regular progress monitoring data for every student on my caseload?”
“I don’t have any time to review progress monitoring data.”
“I don’t know what to do if a student isn’t making enough progress on their IEP goal.”
Using Data from MTSS During Child Find
It can be challenging to shift from a wait-to-fail, test-and-place model to one which uses preventative practices and MTSS information within a Child Find process. I help educational leaders feel confident that their practices are defensible and meet student needs.
Ensuring a student receives intensive intervention targeted to their skill gaps.
Both universal instruction and supplemental intervention are delivered aligned with the evidence-base (a lesson a session with all critical components).
Progress monitoring with a technically-adequate tool, used frequently and regularly.
Learn the specific skill needs and effective strategies, and required intervention dosage for supporting the student’s needs.
Decide whether the student is entitled to special education services. Do they have a disability and a need for specially designed instruction?